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Fun Wedding Traditions

Monday, April 20, 2009 Posted in Colorado Wedding Photographer

I love traditions and in weddings you see a lot of them! I wonder when people plan or go to a wedding if they even know what all the traditions are and where they came from. Do we just do them because everyone else does? I recently spent some time researching the traditions we now use in weddings and thought I would share them!



Why the bride wears white:

The color white stands for purity and worthiness, but Queen Victoria actually started this tradition in 1840 when she wanted to use white lace on her dress and from then on women followed out of respect for her.


Why the bridesmaid’s dresses all the same:

In the old days they did this to confuse the evil spirits and protect the bride



Why Aisle runners are used:

To keep bride’s dress from touching the ground and getting dirty



Why bride’s carry bouquet down the aisle:

Originally they carried spices & herbs (garlic, dill, chives, sage, rosemary). They did this for the strong smells to ward off evil spirits.



Why people throw rice/birdseed at the couple when they leave the church:

It was to symbolize plentiful crops so they would have good luck in the marriage and fertility



Why the wedding ring is worn on the finger it is:

It is said there is a vein from that one finger that directly goes to your heart



Why do we feed each other cake:

It is a statement to everyone that you will provide for each other



What is considered unlucky to see on your way to get married:




What is the appropriate amount of time a couple has to send thank you notes from their wedding:

They say 6 months is the amount of time you have to get them all out



When the 1st wedding shower took place:

In the 18th century for a poor couple in Holland to help them with the things they would need for their new home


What the 3 most popular months worldwide to get married in:

May, June, October


Why women orginally wore a veil:

In the earliest of times it was to show the dominance of the man. At the end of the ceremony he would lift it to show he was the man of the house and she was subordinate. In Rome they wore a red veil and in Greece they wore a yellow veil. In the US Nelly Curtis wore a veil when she wed George Washington’s Aid ( Major Lewis). When she was getting ready there was a curtain flowing around her and he thought she looked so beautiful she decided to wrap one around herself in the ceremony.


The tradition of the Groom’s Cake:


Originally it was something that the groom’s mother made and they handed out to each of their guests as a favor.  The single women would take it home and put it under their pillow;  they said that when they did this they would marry the man they dreamed of that night.

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