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Wedding Fine Art Images

Friday, September 10, 2010 Posted in wedding photographers

I am loving these images and the way they are coming out.  So I figure if it’s something that I love you the readers might love it as well. It has taken us almost a year to figure out how to make these kinds of images.  The right kind of camera, film, to how to get a good scan. We own almost 30 camera’s at this point. It’s very satisfying when you start to get good consistent results from something that has taken so much time to work out.  There were a few times when I thought I should probably stop, since the resulting images were terrible. I am glad I didn’t though.  The imperfections, the grain add something genuine to the photograph.  I thought I would share another from the second wedding last weekend.

  • Allison Grout Ahhh! I love it! Way to tease us you guys :) 09.14.10, 03:33PM
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Image of the day “flying free”

Wednesday, September 01, 2010 Posted in wedding photographers

Working on this wedding I came across this image.  To be honest this session has so many beautiful images, but I really loved this one.  The beautiful sky , the sense of freedom and purpose.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

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Littleton Colorado Wedding Photography

Monday, August 30, 2010 Posted in wedding photographers

Jon & Leanne were married at the beautiful Hudson Gardens near our studio!  The weather was beautiful and the clouds were exactly the way we love them!

We started off doing an engagement session with these two where we learned that Leanne had went to CU in Boulder and Jon had went to CSU in Fort Collins.  If you live in Colorado you know that these two universities are rivals even though they are nothing alike and their football teams aren’t even in the same the category.  Andy & I both went to CSU and every year we have a great time with our CU friends watching the big Showdown football game between the two schools!  So I can only imagine what it is like for the two of them!

For their engagement session they actually brought T-shirts with their own schools and we had a ton of fun playing around with that!  Here is a the link to see their fun engagement session

Leanne planned a very pretty and elegant wedding!  The two were married in the Rose Garden and had a ton of friends and family there cheering them on.  They had a huge bridal party with 8 people on each side and although there were so many of them we still had them climbing on rocks and running around!

  • Jamey One of the most beautiful pictures of a wedding dance that I have seen! WOW 08.31.10, 09:16PM
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Don’t forget to have fun

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Posted in wedding photographers

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, remember to have some fun.  I don’t mean you have to leave work, I mean while you are there have a little fun.  Maybe it’s playing a joke on the guy/gal that sits behind you.  If you are a bride, which there is a good chance this is a good lesson for your wedding day.  Stop, breath, have fun and soak in the experience because it’s a crazy day you are about to have.  The emotion, the love and all the excitement.  It can be easy to get carried away with all the details, but don’t let it.  Weddings always work out from our experience.  There is but one goal, to get you and your fiance married.  It’s going to happen and its going to be wonderful in your way.

Chris and  Mindy who will be staring on the blog hopefully soon.  Taking time to have that fun in Cancun Mexico at their destination wedding.

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