Lots of engagements happening right now with the Holidays and Valentines Day coming up. This is a image we took at an engagement session in Winter Park. Just a little sneak peak.
Throughout the year Andy & I take many portraits of families, children and sometimes dogs. In this case, the dog is our own…She’s eight years old and full of personality! The weather has been so nice here in Colorado we decided to take her out and let her be a model for an afternoon. This particular session required almost an entire bag of carrots but I think we pulled off a few cute shots!
Angie and I love dogs. Dogs, have so many great qualities. The love they share every day, is something we all can aspire to. I saw this quote and loved, it and wanted to share.
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera
Faith the Jack Russel on one of those such afternoons.
I love this image. The smiles and the significance of their first dance with each other.
This image was taken a Fuji x100 beautiful camera for those wedding photojournalism photographs.
Looking for a photographer for your wedding at the Manor House give us a call at 303.888.9394