Almost done editing this years weddings. I promise we will get those award winning images up for you all to see very soon. This wonderful image was taken at a wedding this year at Grant Humphrey’s Mansion, in Denver Colorado. If you have not checked out Grant Humphrey’s Mansion,for your wedding, you should. The only draw back this venue has is weddings need to be a little smaller because of the arrangement for the reception eating area. Everything else at this site is elegant and perfect for a wedding.
I love the romantic nature of this image. The colors and architecture almost make it look like a painting. If I had planned this image it wouldn’t have turned out half as good.
Brian and Allison were blessed with baby Jackson on October 18th. Jackson was born at 1:18 am he was 6.6 pounds. We were able to go to the hospital about 12 hours after he was born to take a few photos. We thought we would share a few of the baby portraits that we loved. Congratulations Brian and Allison, we never thought we would be taking these photos when we took your engagement photo’s 5 years ago. Thank you for your friendship.
Its like talking about politics at the dinner table for many photographers. I am really glad our love was never tested with one of us shooting nikon. The Wood Household is a Canon just like mom taught us , you have to love the glass they produce. This video by JoeyL is just to funny not to share. Warning this is not for children. Brides you will probably just think photographers are nuts, but its the same thing as Chevy vs. Ford or Reebok vs Nike. Its all in good fun.
For those that don’t know the first Twilight Movie Posters and collateral were shot by JoeL
Working on weddings this weekend I came across this image from a wedding in Vail, Colorado. It shows the excitement and happiness from the grooms perspective. The women doing the ceremony to his right is the brides mother. You can see her genuine excitement as well. Getting images like this at every single wedding are what we strive for. Real, Raw, beautiful images.
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